Award Detail Information

Name Haggerstone Memorial Bursary
Description James Haggerstone, (1960-2020) was a community volunteer, advocate extraordinaire, a man with a huge heart and an amazing intellect, a dear friend to many from all walks of life, and a former Northern Health Regional Manager of Health Information Analysis. James was a passionate advocate for the vulnerable individuals in our society. He helped people to access suitable housing, filled in paperwork for financial aid, referred people to employment programs, raised money for hockey equipment, and freely gave of his own money and time to those in need. James was a guerilla gardener, encouraging social connection through a garden plot in downtown Prince George. He enjoyed visiting with neighbours, planting flowers and vegetables, and spending time outdoors. He was well known for seeding the PG city planters with rogue flower seeds, delighting in their growth.
Type of Award Bursary
Amount of Award $1,000.00
Number of Awards 2
Application Deadline January 30, 2025
Essay Required Yes
Eligibility Open to first-year, full-time domestic students, registered at the College of New Caledonia, any campus, in any post-secondary program (excluding Trades Foundations or Trades apprenticeship, CTC and Continuing Education courses).